Thursday, June 7, 2012

Talents and Giftings

Talents and Giftings - Exodus 31:1-11
The first time I accepted Jesus into our life, I have also unknowingly accepted the Holy Spirit into my heart. This is a Devine experience because I am no longer my old self; I become new, and Jesus now lives in me.

And with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, I am given spiritual gifts. These gifts are not just gifts for worshipping the Lord but also gifts to exercise the power of the Holy Spirit to heal, to discern and to intercede.

It has always been God's intent to give us skills and talents (Giftings). The most important turning point here is: we need to EXERCISE it. In this passage, God gave His people all kinds of skills, wisdom, understanding and knowledge. We need to use it in the right way:
- Wisdom to make God led choices
- Understanding and then applying God's word
- Knowledge of good and evil. To apply good and flee evil

V6: God opened up my eyes to see that in all things we will best use our skills whenever God calls and command us to do. If we do what God calls us to do, His promise to us is that we will have the ability to do all things successfully.

Let's make a decision today to exercise God's GIFT for us in faith and to obey what He has called us to do with the TALENTS we processed.

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